Nestled amidst the picturesque countryside between Rayton and Bronkhorstspruit, this exceptional agricultural opportunity beckons to those seeking a vast expanse of fertile land. Spanning approximately 203.28 hectares, these two portions, when combined, form a sprawling canvas of arable and grazing land, offering endless possibilities for agricultural pursuits ranging from cattle and livestock farming to various planting endeavors.
A defining feature of this property is its abundant water resources, anchored by a substantial dam that not only provides ample water supply but also feeds into a meandering spruit, enriching the land and enhancing its agricultural potential. Additionally, although currently not equipped, the presence of two boreholes signifies further opportunities for water
access and utilization.
While the property enjoys the privilege of 3-phase Eskom power availability, it awaits connection, promising enhanced operational efficiency and convenience for future endeavors. Amidst this rural idyll lies a cozy abode comprising three bedrooms and two bathrooms, offering a comfortable retreat amidst the vast expanse of nature, albeit currently without power connection.
Strategically located approximately 5 kilometers from the N4, accessibility to major transportation routes is assured, facilitating logistical ease and connectivity to broader markets. Whether envisioned as a lucrative agricultural enterprise, a pastoral retreat, or a potential development opportunity, this expansive property stands as a testament to the promise of rural living and agricultural prosperity.
For further inquiries and to seize this extraordinary opportunity, contact us today to embark on a journey of agricultural abundance and rural tranquility.