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Farm for Sale in Willowmore

Willowmore, Willowmore

Erf Size 1 600 ha
WILLOWMORE: Reconnect with nature in the rugged and unspoilt beauty of this area
This 1 600 hectare private game reserve, boasting a 5 star game lodge, is situated close to the breathtakingly beautiful Baviaanskloof, in the malaria-free Eastern Cape. The reserve offers excellent game viewing experiences, in an area at the forefront of the burgeoning South African game reserve and safari industries. Due to the topography and habitat, consisting of mountains, ravines and rivers, this property is the perfect place to soak up the unique scenery, and to do game viewing, and explore the multitudes of landscapes in the area.

The luxurious accommodation is complemented by a chef who spoils the visitors with decadent cuisine. Game like sable (4 species), nyala, giraffe, blesbok, zebra, oryx, kudu, and springbok roam the entire reserve. Various species of birds occur - Read more...
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
09 March 2016
Size of farm
1 600 ha
Pets Allowed


Laerskool Willowmore
Willowmore Secondary School
Elmor Primary School

Transport and Public Services


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Jannie Fourie


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