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Farm for Sale in Walmansthal AH
Wonderboom, Walmansthal AH
18 ha
18 Hectares, Sheep and Cattle farm with massive houses and 600m2 sheep shelter with 200m dam
Walmansthal AH
Established 18 Hectares sheep and Cattle farm for sale 200m Dam, Borehole 2 of about 20 000L/hour capacity, 3 phase, 2x 150m2 5m Steel storage buildings, 600m2 Sheep shelter that can accommodate 400 sheep's, Staff accommodation, Green house, Cattle feeding area, 1 hectares irrigated land, 56000L Extra water storage, 3 times 10 000L water tanks, Can be purchased with all equipment needed to run the farm. All established and ready to be taken over.