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Farm for Sale in Wacht N Bietjies Kop
91 Wachtenbietjeskop, Wacht N Bietjies Kop, Bronkhorstspruit
480 m² 9 ha
The income is the outcome!!
Nowhere can you find more value for your money other than this 8,7937 ha small holding some 4 km from Bhs and easily accessible from the R104 is just right for small scale farming and to earn additional rental income. The property is improved with 2 x 3 bedroom houses 1 x 2 bedroom flats and 3 x bachelors flats with 4 x single rooms which is currently being rented out. Further improvements a closed up shed and on open shed with 3 phase Eskom electricity and an equipped bore hole pumping +-2000l/h security spray lights and beams. Property is divided into 3 camps all with natural grazing.