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Farm for Sale in Vlakplaats
Centurion, Vlakplaats
22 ha
Riverfront Property in Hennops River (Schurveberg)
This 22 hectare property straddles the Hennops River, with a river front of approximately 300 meters. Most of the property is on the West side of the river, with a very small potion across the river to the East. A gravel road bisects the property, leading to just one other property. The developed portion of 13 ha is on the river side of the gravel road, and 8 ha of untouched land West of the road.
The buildings are old and some are broken down; it could be described as an artists commune. There are several buildings which could be renovated.
This was once a stunning property; it will need a lot of effort to restore it to its former state, but it will be worth it to an enterprising buyer.