A blank canvas so to speak – very little infrastructure but ample land to develop your own little bushveld hide-away not even 10km from Vaalwater in the Limpopo Province.
Located in a secure area with access control & CCTV monitoring at the main entrance, this 21Ha full-title farm awaits to be developed to personal preferences by the new owner.
• 1 x Bush-cabin (1 x Bedroom / 1 x bathroom with loft above, small lounge / kitchen & patio)
• 5kW Solar inverter with solar panels for bush-cabin
• Partially game fenced (¾ done, seller in process to complete fencing)
• 2 x Boreholes of which 1 is equipped with solar pump
Roughly 12Ha has been de-bushed for planting whilst 2Ha peach trees have been planted, the remainder portion of 9Ha is untouched bushveld topography.
seasonal stream flows during the summer rainy months on the rear boundary.
1 x Title deed registered in seller’s private name. (Seller is VAT registered, VAT excluded from asking price if applicable)