Well located, 11.48 ha small holding near tolwe!!
Well developed!!
High quality soil with great potential for intensive farming!!
2 Km from town
Totally electrified Game fenced
Sweet Bushveld grazing
2 Bedroom main house, 2 En-suite bathrooms, open plan dining room, lounge, kitchen area. Tiled throughout with air-conditioning
Huge enclosed stoep area with built-in braai and canvas sides
Splash pool
2 Wooden store rooms
Closed shed with store room
2 Bedroom flat
Municipal electricity
House area separately electrified fenced
2 Strong equipped boreholes with 6 water tanks
Vegetable garden with greenhouse. Equipped with drip irrigation. Fertile soil!!
1.4 Ha crop land
The rest consisting of beautiful bushveld field with exceptional grazing
Plus minus 25 Impala (Mix of Black & Split), and 8
Copper Spring buck included in the sale
Very well priced!!!
Take advantage of this great offer!!!
(Only serious qualified buyers please)