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Farm for Sale in Steytlerville

Steytlerville, Steytlerville

Erf Size 8 592 ha
Royal Karoo
Royal Karoo Safaris is situated East of Steytlerville in an area that encompasses both mountain and Karoo veld where the Great Karoo meets the Eastern Cape Valley bush veld (5 biomes). The vegetation is diverse with open grass veld, wooded kloofs and beautiful mountain areas. The present owners have devoted much energy into veld restoration, this being mainly achieved by the planting of spekboom (Portulacaria Afra).

A self-sustainable operation that is 8592ha (9 titles) in extent with a further 1305ha under lease (total 9897ha). The property itself has a magnificent lodge with commanding views of the Groot Winterhoek Mountain Range, outbuildings which include a workshop and state-of-the-art meat processing unit, staff accommodation (2 management as well as 5 other staff houses), and Read more...
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
23 July 2024
Size of farm
8 592 ha


Daleview Primary School
Tom Kasibe Junior Secondary School
Carel Du Toit High School
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Pam Golding Properties - Karoo

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Gregg Rippon


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