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Farm for Sale in Sentrum

Thabazimbi, Sentrum

Erf Size 370 ha
BEST VALUE Game Farm For Sale in Thabazimbi!! (sole mandate)
We are proud to present this spectacular Sole Mandate Game and Hunting Farm of approximately 370HA!

The Garm Farm is extremely neat and almost has a ‘lock up and go’ feel to it. This farm is ideal for a hunting and game breeding farm.

The veld is mostly sweet, with sandy loam soil, and a vast variety of beautiful trees. A lot of debushing has been done in past years, which gives this farm large areas of open ‘Savannah-type’ areas with only large indigenous trees to complement the view.

This farm is fully electric game fenced, powered by Solar energizers.

The farm has two strong bore holes, which feeds the cribs, drinking dams, and the rest of the farm’s water needs.

Infranstructure includes a very neat 25HA electric, double fenced game camp, 170? Storage for feed and Read more...
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
20 October 2023
Size of farm
370 ha


Tswelapele Primary
Groenvlei Secondary
Reenpan Primary
Heuningvlei Combined

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Bertie Joubert Eiendomme

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Lambert Joubert'


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