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Farm for Sale in Senekal Rural
Senekal, Senekal Rural
1 628 ha
Beautiful Mixed farm in Senekal
This beautiful 1 628 hectare mixed farm in the Eastern Free State borders the branches of the Sand River.
The farm consists of:
400 ha arable land
100 ha planted fodder
1128 ha grazing pasture
Total;1 628 hectares
The grazing is divided in 18 camps all equipped with water. Water is supplied from 10 equipped boreholes, 8 cement dams and 3 earth dams.
There is sheep and livestock handling and feeding facilities as well as a holding pen for 400 sheep. Other outbuildings include stores etcetera.
The farm consists of six title deeds.
This farm is off-the-grid, water-rich and has been meticulously planned, developed and managed for generations.