Typical beautiful Eastern Free State Stock farm with its unique landscape and Sandstone mountains. With an average rainfall of 641 mm/y and 23 dams, 9 boreholes, and a fountain you can only expect the best grazing all year round for Cattle and sheep farming. Add to it the stunning scenery you can only have peace of mind!!
The farm is a going concern, but the prize does not include the available Cattle and farm implements ( Addendum available with prizes if interested)
Approximately 1000 ha dry land, 175 ha arable land, 200 ha pasture grazing which consists of eragrostis, Smutsfinger, Red, and sweet grass.
A well-maintained house 360 m2 consists of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a lounge, 2 living areas, a kitchen with a pantry, and laundry.
5 Storerooms, Slaughter facilities, milking
stall, horse stable, 6 Worker houses, an old house which can be renovated, kraal and loading facilities.
9 boreholes of which 2 are equipped with 3 h/p submersible pumps and 4 Windmills.
5 Water tanks
Distance from town: +_ 12 km
Large Livestock Unit = 5/ha
Small Livestock Unit -= 1/ha
3 Escom electricity points
No land claims
Current rental contract for 80 ha arable land ( 1 Sept - 31 August )
24 Blesbok, 350 Cattle, and 250 sheep – negotiable.