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Farm for Sale in Rustenburg Rural
Rustenburg, Rustenburg Rural
223.82 ha
223.82 Ha Game/Grazing Farm for sale - near Koster in the Northwest province
This beautiful 223.82 hectares of game/grazing farm property consist of two portions and two title deeds.
The first portion is 149 ha in size and is totally game fenced, offers one strong borehole, old style homestead that is without Eskom electricity, 1 ha of arable land for planting. Game found on this property includes Impala, Bushbuck, Reebuck and Duikers.
The second portion is sized at 74ha with lush beautiful surroundings. It offers 2 strong boreholes, windmill and an old family farms house. Free ranging game found on the property includes mountain reebuck some warthog and Duikers.
Please contact me for more information or to arrange for a private viewing.