Unique property which operates as a guest house with the main house and 3 chalets'. The lodge clientele is primarily via word of mount from Europe.
It is tucked away from busy roads in a very tranquil safe setting.
Very unique farm with 9 fountains on.
These deliver 15 000 liters per day in the summertime and 5 000 liters per day in the wintertime. The water is pumped into the 2 x Water tanks (1 x 10 000 lt and 1 x 5 000 lt) and gravity fed into the propertie.
1 x zinc tank holds 20 000 liters, and this is used to irrigate the gardens. Infrastructure for the water is very well done and sound.
3 Phase electricity from Eskom with Industrial prices. R4 000 per month total which includes full usage, transformer cost.
Solar & Gas geysers.
2 Natural ground dams. One has Carp and Tilapia
in and the other one has Carp and Bass
Electric fenced all around - 2.4 meter high with 2 energizers
Main house thatch roof has sprinkler system on.
3 x Chalets
1 x Farmhouse
1 x Office +- 250 sq meters
1 x Service building
1 x Workshop with cement floor
1 x Storeroom +- 350 sq meter
1 x Tunnel 10 x 30 meters Plastic
1 x Shade cloth tunnel for vegetables +- 20 x 24 sq meters
4 x Cows and 1 x Nguni Bull
Beautiful chicken coop - 9 hens, 3 cocks and 10 chicks
Manager has hemp license.