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R 36 500 000
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Farm for Sale in Rooiberg

Thabazimbi, Rooiberg

Erf Size 3 874 ha
Picturesque Cattle / Game Farm in the heart of the Rooiberg Bavaria
Location! Location! Location!

Less than 1 and a half hours drive from Pretoria, lies this beautiful cattle / game farm of approximately 3900Ha, within the well renowned Rooiberg Bavaria area.

The farm is mostly fenced with game fence, and a small border with cattle fence.
This property has very good grazing, which has been managed very well over the years, by experienced cattle farmers. More than 12 camps with a well laid out road and pipe network, makes managing your grass, as well as your livestock a breeze.
Adding to the water network, are 5 reservoirs, a cement dam, various cribs and one ground dam.

There are more than 10 equipped boreholes on this farm, with the majority having very good yields. 4 more unequipped bore holes are also available.

Other infrastructure
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
15 February 2024
Size of farm
3 874 ha


Thabakhibidu Primary
Itireleng Secondary

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Bertie Joubert Eiendomme

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Lambert Joubert'
Bertie Joubert'


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