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Farm for Sale in Roedtan

Mookgopong, Roedtan

Erf Size 477 ha
477 Hectare Irrigation and Cattle Farm for Sale in Springbokvlakte, Limpopo Province
477 Hectare Irrigation and Cattle Farm for Sale in Springbokvlakte, Limpopo Province

Location: Springbokvlakte, Limpopo Province

Property Features:

- Total Area: 477 hectares
- Irrigation Systems:
- Spilpunte: 3 x 15 hectares, 1 x 10 hectares
- Circles: 5 x 15 hectares, 2 x 10 hectares
- Soil Types Turf and red soil
- Natural Grazing: Approximately 370 hectares of sweetveld grazing
- Eskom Transformers:*2 x 25KVA, 1 x 50KVA, 1 x 100KVA
- Water Infrastructure:
- 2 Ericson cement dams with pump stations and chemical tanks
- Ground dam: Approximately 6 hectares
- Boreholes: 12 equipped boreholes
- Water rights: 112,160 cubic meters per year
- Cattle Facilities:
- 5 grazing camps with passageways
- 3 cattle posts with drinking troughs
- Loading bank and kraal with
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
12 June 2024
Size of farm
477 ha


Laerskool Bysonderheid
Tlou Nare Senior Secondary
Roedtan Combined

Transport and Public Services


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Gerhard de Beer


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