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Farm for Sale in Redelinghuys
Redelinghuys, Redelinghuys
300 m² 1 413 ha
REDELINGHUYS: Livestock/grazing farm for sale
This farm (1 413 ha) is situated 15 km north of Redelinghuys overlooking Verlorenvlei and the Atlantic ocean.
The farm has 200 ha arable land (cultivated) which is used for grain and Rooibos Tea (11 fenced camps).
The grazing capacity in the area is around 30 Ha per LSU and the current owner farms with 350 sheep and 20 cattle.
Other infrastructure include: - Farm buildings, which consist of a small 2-bedroom house, a shed, and 2 laborer houses. - 10 Water tanks and 2 boreholes with pumps for residential use and water for livestock.
No registered water usage rights. No Eskom electricity. Livestock is excluded from the sale but is negotiable.
The farm is sold as a going concern (Seller is VAT registered).