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R 45 000 000
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Farm for Sale in Port Elizabeth Rural

Erf Size 1 077.99 ha
Potential Wind Farm for Sale

Welcome to this exceptional property listing for a lock-up-and-go farm located just 30 minutes' drive from Port Elizabeth and 15 minutes' drive from the new Coega IDZ (Industrial Zone) or Harbour. Please note that the Seller is a VAT Vendor, and the asking price does not include VAT. If the new owners are not registered for VAT, they will need to pay VAT in addition to the asking price.

This farm is part of a conservancy, along with five other farms, and benefits from 24-hour security cameras on all access roads. The neighboring farm already has wind turbines and is producing power, as seen in the pictures. The Environmental Impact Assessments for installing more wind turbines on this 1077Ha Game Farm have been completed, and option and lease agreements Read more...
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
21 June 2022
Size of farm
1 077.991 ha

Transport and Public Services

Barkly Bridge

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Bertie van Deventer


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