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Farm for Sale in Oudtshoorn Rural
Oudtshoorn, Oudtshoorn Rural
400 ha
Oudtshoorn Irrigations Farm
This +- 400 ha farm situated just outside Oudtshoorn on the road towards George. 309 ha under irrigation of which 204 ha under lucerne and the rest is seasonal crop as well as lucerne seed production. The water supply of the farm are from Stompdrift, Kammanasie irrigation scheme. Pumping rights from the Olifants river and channels from the Grobbelaars river. Infra structure on the farm consist of 3 houses, offices, a lot of shed and storage space for lucerne bales . There is also a machine for manufacturing of lucerne pellets. A feedlot that can accommodate 800 head of cattle. Dam capacity of 250 000 m3. A once in a lifetime opportunity.