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Farm for Sale in Oudtshoorn Rural
Oudtshoorn, Oudtshoorn Rural
114 ha
Beautiful Farm and wedding venue in Klein Kroo
This beautiful property is situated just about 6km from Oudtshoorn. It is the perfect property if you want to farm with Lucerne, Sheep or ostrich. The property consists of 100ha flat laser leveled arable and irrigable land.
Buildings: 6 bedroom, 540sqm house 5 bedroom, 480sqm house 2 x 3 bedroom houses Garages 5 x labourers houses 2 large closed sheds 1 large open shed Wedding venue/Shed pack room butchery 3 phase electricity with 100kva transformer.
Water: 100ha listed in at the Kamanassie and the Stompdrift dams. Currently under flood irrigation. Borehole - delivers 7000l/h.
Don't miss out on this opportunity! This is a VAT transaction. VAT is payable on advertised price. If you are also VAT registered it will be a 0% VAT transaction.