Off-the-Grid - A well-located self-sufficient Game and Eco Farm with upgraded and new facilities to accommodate the young and upcoming outdoor and wildlife enthusiasts. This can become your “Zoom Farm” the ideal office for dad to work from home and active mom to generate income while enjoying the outdoor and farm live.
Farm: Game and Eco Farm, with two small breeding camps and a variety of planes game on the bigger farm. Small livestock can be added.
Main House with an additional self-catering unit, lapa, boma, and swimming pool.
Potential: By only adding a few stables, horse lovers can enjoy the luxury of rides amongst the roaming game adding to this special bushveld experience.
Size: 68 ha consisting of one title deed.
Location: Conveniently located 15 minutes from Modimolle, part of
the well-known Waterberg area of the Limpopo Province South Africa. Only 125 km from Pretoria Kolonade shopping centre.
Water: One earth dam, one natural drinking hole, some small marshy wetland area ads to the diversity. Two solar equipped boreholes supply clean Waterberg water, purified by nature and ready for human consumption. The water is pumped up to the higher level of the farm into a JoJo tank that overflows into a cement reservoir from where the water is gravity fed to the facilities and water troughs.
Rainfall: 500 - 550mm annually.
Climate: The Waterberg Modimolle/Nylstroom area has a unique healthy bushveld climate.
During summer, the night temperatures drop down to below 20 ºC, which makes it bearable without a real need of air-conditioning at night
Typographic: This Game Farm consists of mainly a sloping flat typography.
Distant views overlooking the breath-taking Waterberg landscape. 45% Open Savanah with good pastures and 55% Bushveld with good grazing.
Elevations vary from 1210 – 1240m above sea level.
Roads: The farm roads give good access to all sections of the farm. The farm has several kilometers of well-maintained roads with additional easily accessible game trails to explore the farm by foot.
Fencing: This farm is fully game fenced, electrified perimeter with jackal fencing, well according to the requirements of the Department of Nature Conservation. Outer perimeter fence is 2.4m 21 strand game fencing. Inner bull camp is game fences with shade net on certain sides. Electric fencing around the lodging area to keep the game from destroying the gardens.
Two ‘Breeding’ camps – one bull camp and one Ostrich camp with water troughs and shelters. The rest of the farm is open to the roaming of plains game.
Main House:
400sqm – Spacious Four-bedroom house with one en-suite bathroom and separate bathroom, with guest toilet.
Air-conditions in all four rooms.
Kitchen with solid Sleeper wood cupboards and finishes breakfast nook, scullery, laundry
Open plan dining and TV room
Formal Lounge
Open plan Bar area with informal lounge featuring large windows overlooking the garden that flows towards the pool and Lapa with indoor braai and entertainment area.
Newly built guest bathroom next to the Lapa.
Automated garden irrigation
Three garages with extended car ports for three vehicles
Solar – 2 x 5 KW inverters with 12 x 3 KW Lithium batteries and 40 x 390 W Solar panels.
Solar Geyser
10 KvA Generator.
Self-catering Rondawel Chalet:
One bedroom -en-suite chalet
Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge.
Large, closed Shed:
24m x 36m - Building includes Workshop toolroom, Butchery with cold-room, feed and storage with extended covered parking for farm vehicles, tractors and implements.
Staff housing:
Two-bedroom house with kitchen and bathroom.
Loose assets: 16 Camera Security system with beams and alarm – connected to a 24-hour Security
Cement Feeding troughs
Basic garden tools
Electricity: Off-the-Grid – Fully Solar.
Game counts:
Impala ± 10 Nyala ± 10
The Seller and/or Estate Agency does not guarantee these numbers. The game count will have no effect on the Purchase Price.
Free roaming Game: Multiple species of free roaming game including Porcupine, Duiker, Chacma baboon, Vervet monkeys, Bush baby, Scrub hare, Mongoose, Squirrel, Leopard tortoise, Caracal, African wild cat, Genet, est., est.
Vegetation: Mainly Sandveld with sour veldt grazing mixed with a smaller variety of sweeter veldt. Sandy loam soils.
A large selection of indigenous flora such as:
Dominant Tree Species
Plains & Riverine:
Burkea / Wild Seringa Burkea Africana
Black Monkey-Orange Strychnos madagascariens
Silver Cluster-Leaf Terminalia sericea
Sickle Bush Dichrostachys cinerea
African weeping Wattle Peltophorum africanum
Buffalo-thorn Jujube Ziziphus mucronata
Sweet-thorn Acacia Acacia karroo
Wild Pear Dombeya rotundifolia
Rocky & mountainous areas:
Velvet Bushwillow Combretum molle
Bushveld Resin Tree Ozoroa paniculosa
Live-long Lannea Lannea discolor
Peeling-bark Ochna Ochna pulchra
Dominant Grass Species:
Red Grass Themeda triandra
Common Thatching Grass Hyparrhenia hirta
Spear Grass Heteropogon contortus
Common Russet Grass Loudetia simple
Bristle-leaved Red Top Melinis nerviglumis
Couch Grass Cynodon dactylon
Guinea Grass Panicum maximum
Common Finger Grass Digitaria eriantha
Weeping Love Grass Eragrotis curvula
Natal Red Top Melinis repens
Leisure: Days are spent birding & game viewing with different species of our feathered friends. If relaxing is more your scene, this is where you want to ease out under the large trees while birds & squirrels entertain you as they go about their daily activities
This is the farm is ideal for digital nomads and remote workers. Only two hours away from the city and your weekly/monthly board meeting. The Waterberg area, an upcoming destination for the upcoming outdoor WIFI tribe. Don’t miss out.
Game farms for sale in South Africa, Game Farms, Ranches, Farms for Sale, Big 5 Reserves, Guest House For sale, Property Practitioner, Real Estate, Houses for sale, farms for sale, Property for sale in South Africa, Golf Estate Property for Sale in South Africa, Plase te koop, Wildpslaas te koop, Jag.
Game farms for sale in South Africa, Game Farms, Ranches, Farms for Sale, Big 5 Reserves, Guest House For sale, Property Practitioner, Real Estate, Houses for sale, farms for sale, Property for sale in South Africa, Plase te koop, Wildpslaas te koop, jag