Known as Granaatfontein - 43 hectares
Approximately 10 km's from town on the tar road.
Approximately 7 hectares pomegranates under irrigation for the export market.
Cultivar : Wonderful
Perennial borehole with solar pump for irrigation of the fruit. Double drip irrigation in the orchards.
Extra standby borehole for the fruit.
A third borehole supplies water for domestic use.
Buildings : Neat spacious dwelling with double garage for 4 vehicles and swimming pool; old dwelling for workers; 2 bedroom unit for domestic worker; workshop with lean-to; 2 fodder stores; tractor store; etc.
Price : On request
Known as Rietfontein - 2405,7 hectares
Approximately 10 km's from town on the tar road.
Divided in 4 camps with water in each camp. Beautiful Karoo vegetation with
Extremely suitable for sheep farming - sweet Karoo
Three boreholes with windmills, and no buildings.
Electrified boundary fences.
Inner camps are all stock proof.
Price : On request.