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R 30 650 000
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Farm for Sale in Memel Rural

Memel, Memel Rural

Erf Size 1 029 ha
Excellent Cattle farm in Memel
This beautiful 1 029 hectare farm in Memel within a high rainfall area and in an area that is known as one of the best cattle farming regions, is in the market.

This farm consists of:

Arable land 130 ha
Pastures 70ha Eragrostis and Smuts finger
Subtotal 200ha

Veld 829ha
TOTAL 1 029ha

There are currently 200 ha of land but there is potential to increase it to 500 ha.
The yield potential for maize is between 7 and 10 tonnes per hectare and for soybeans between 2 and 3 tonnes per hectare.
Crop rotation is done with maize and soybeans.
Currently 70 hectares has been converted into planted pastures for livestock.

The veld is divided in 17 grazing camps with an earth Read more...
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
11 June 2024
Size of farm
1 029 ha
Pets Allowed


Nuwejaarshoek Pf/S
Esizibeni Secondary School
Memel (Public) Primary School
Lilamani Pf/S

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Andries Radley


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