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R 17 325 000
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Farm for Sale in Marken

Lephalale, Marken

Erf Size 946 ha
Bushveld dream farm for sale!
Big herds of 106 x buffalo (including no less than 22 x huntable bulls) and 111 x sable (including 27 x huntable bulls) amongst loads of other game too, included in the asking price of this 946Ha game farm located near Marken in the Limpopo Province.

Some of the best genetics on offer here, no doubt class-leading animals with a proven track record spanning over nearly 2 x decades within the wildlife fraternity.

Building infrastructure includes 3 x beautiful modern houses perched higher up on a hill, overlooking the typical sweetveld with huge leadwood and marula trees. (Houses could easily be converted to operate as guest lodge)

Add to all of the above good strong water and an established 2Ha dragon fruit orchard with Global-Gap certification and you have yourself a flagship farm with Read more...
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
28 August 2023
Size of farm
946 ha


Marken Primary
Mphari Secondary
Ranoko Primary
Mushi Primary

Transport and Public Services


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Freda Morkel


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