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Farm for Sale in Koedoeskop

Thabazimbi, Koedoeskop

Diverse dream farm: koedoeskop irrigation
Irrigation and Game Breeding farm of excellence
If you are looking for a proper and high productive irrigation farm of excellence, and a medium size game farm, search no more. Farms like this special and diverse farm, comes seldom on the market at a market related price and it will sell fast. This 419 ha farm is the one. It is perfectly located on the R511, only ±80 km from Brits to the south and Thabazimbi to the north. The farm is suitable for growing grain / lucerne / vegetables and pecans. The property is one of the first irrigation farms in the popular Koedoeskop irrigation area, and has sufficient registered water rights under the Crocodile River West Irrigation Board. The property has everything you want: Crocodile river frontage, high potential arable land under pivot and Read more...
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
10 September 2021
Distance From Town


Laerskool Koedoeskop
Naletsana Primary

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Jan Luneburg


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