Irrigation and Game Breeding farm of excellence
If you are looking for a proper and high productive irrigation farm of excellence, and a medium size game farm, search no more. Farms like this special and diverse farm, comes seldom on the market at a market related price and it will sell fast. This 419 ha farm is the one. It is perfectly located on the R511, only ±80 km from Brits to the south and Thabazimbi to the north. The farm is suitable for growing grain / lucerne / vegetables and pecans. The property is one of the first irrigation farms in the popular Koedoeskop irrigation area, and has sufficient registered water rights under the Crocodile River West Irrigation Board. The property has everything you want: Crocodile river frontage, high potential arable land under pivot and
sprinkler irrigation , 100ha listed/entitled water rights, ±285ha game fenced camp with free roaming game and beautiful views from a koppie, water in abundance, neat farm house, functional infrastructure, etc.
This neat farm offers the following:
* A neat and comfortable 3 bedroom house with four garages in a luscious green garden with a large swimming pool, lapa/braai facility and safely fenced of with palisade fencing.
* An office, a bachelor flat and an old farm house
* Ample farm storage space and enclosed sheds with grain silo facility and a workshop.
* Neat workers accommodation witch are serviced.
* Functional irrigation systems in place:
4 x Centre Pivots covering ± 95 ha of high productive land
± 32ha of arable land under sprinkler irrigation
Irrigation capture dam equipped with pump station and mother lines and two pump stations on the Crocodile river..
4 x Equipped boreholes, of which 2 are linked to the dams for irrigation.
* 2 x Eskom power points.
* 2 Lapa/braai facilities in the game camp with ablution facilities.
This magnificent farm is on the market as a going concern, the price does not include VAT. There are ample farm tractors and implements in an excellent condition additionally available.
This is one of those properties that will be sold on the spot if the knowledgeable buyer visits the farm. Be swift on this irrigation jewel.
The asking price is negotiable, depending on the kind of offer.
Besproeiings- en wildteelplaas van uitnemendheid.
As u op soek is na 'n volmaakte en produktiewe besproeiingsplaas van uitnemendheid en 'n medium grootte wildplaas, soek nie meer nie. Plase soos hierdie spesiale en uiteenlopende boerdery kom selde teen 'n markverwante prys op die mark en dit sal vinnig verkoop. Hierdie plaas van 419 ha bestaan uit 2 Gedeeltes, elk 209ha. Dit is perfek geleë op die R511, slegs ± 80 km van Brits in die suide en Thabazimbi in die noorde. Die plaas is geskik vir die verbouing van graan / lusern / groente en pekanneute. Die eiendom is een van die eerste besproeiingsplase in die gewilde Koedoeskop -besproeiingsgebied en beskik oor voldoende geregistreerde waterregte onder die Krokodilrivier -Wes -besproeiingsraad. Die eiendom het alles wat u van ñ plaas van kwaliteit verlang:
Krokodilrivierfront, hoë potensiaal bewerkbare grond onder spilpunt en sprinkelbesproeiing, 100ha waterregte, ± 285ha wild omheinde kamp met vry lopende wild en pragtige uitsig vanaf 'n koppie, water in oorvloed, netjiese plaas huis, funksionele infrastruktuur, ens.
Hierdie netjiese plaas bied die volgende:
* 'ñ Netjiese en gemaklike drieslaapkamerhuis met vier motorhuise in 'n weelderige groen tuin met 'n groot swembad, lapa/braaigeriewe en veilig omhein met palissade -omheining.
* ñ Kantoor, 'n woonstel en 'n ou plaashuis
* Ruim plaas skure met graansilo -fasiliteit en 'n werkswinkel.
* Netjiese werkers behuising wat gediens is met water en krag.
* Funksionele besproeiingstelsels in plek:
4 x Spilpunte wat ± 95 ha hoë produktiewe grond besproei
± 32ha bewerkbare grond onder sprinkel besproeiing
Besproeiingsdam wat toegerus is met pompstasie en moederlyne en twee pompstasies op die Krokodilrivier.
4 x toegeruste boorgate, waarvan 2 vir besproeiing gebruik word.
* 2 x Eskom kragpunte.
* 2 Lapa/braaigeriewe in die wildkamp met ablusiegeriewe.
Hierdie pragtige plaas is 'n lopende onderneming, die prys sluit nie BTW in nie. Daar is ook verskeie trekkers en implemente wat addisioneel beskikbaar is.
Die prys is onderhandelbaar, afhangende van die tipe aanbod.