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Farm for Sale in Knysna Rural
Knysna, Knysna Rural
223 ha
A prime farm for sale close to sedgefield.
223Ha prime agricultural land situated in an excellent rainfall area close to Sedgefield, at the foot of the Langeberg Mountains. The farm consists of 180Ha arable land of which 22Ha is under pivot irrigation. This irrigation gets fed by 3 dams and has registered water rights - 120 000m3.
Improvements on the farm consist of 3 well-maintained houses, 2 labourers cottages and barn. Three phase Eskom power feeds the homes and the pumps. This farm has excellent potential, has well-drained soil and is ready for the next farming activities such as avocado pears and nut farming. It will also make an excellent livestock farm.
For sale as a going concern which includes pivot irrigation.