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Farm for Sale in Groot Marico
Groot Marico, Groot Marico
130 ha
Cattle & Game farm in Groot Marico area
Ideal for both game and cattle. The grazing is in abundance after the lovely rain.
40 Ha game camp with 2.4m game fence . Impala, Bushbuck and Duikers as well a free roaming game in this camp.
37 Ha game camp. 3 sides fenced with 2.4 m game fence and then the Wilgeboomspruit forms the other border. +- 1.1km river frontage
53 Ha cattle camp fenced with normal cattle fencing and this is divided into 4 camps. There is loading facilities, cattle crush and neck clamp in place.
3 x Boreholes - 1 Equipped with submersible pump and 2 not equipped as it was never needed.