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Farm for Sale in Grahamstown Rural

Grahamstown, Grahamstown Rural

162 HA farm for sale in Grahamstown Rural, ( Guest Farm).
From Outdoor activities such as running, cycling, fishing to enjoying time in the pool and watching sunsets.
Come and experience the eastern cape guest farm feeling, also to work from home ideally in this landscape, with lots of farming as well as lodge opportunities.
The main dwelling known as the farm house offers 4 spacious bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, and lounge and entertainment area. Scullery and bar area.
Also 4 outside rooms for guests staying at the lodge each with an en-suite.
All together it consists of: 8 rooms, 8 bathrooms, 1 study, 2 lounges, dining rooms 2, 2 kitchens, 2 patios, 1 laundry, garages 3, plus 4 en-suite rooms with lodge, domestic accommodation 3 houses,
This investment comes along once in a lifetime.
Contact Paul Gierke today for any assistance.
Listing Number
Type of Property
List Date
23 January 2023
Pets Allowed
Temperature Control
Air Conditioning Unit

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Paul Gierke


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