Developed Lifestyle Farm close to Gouritsmond
Located 22 km out of Gouritsmond towards Albertinia lies this 52 HA lifestyle farm waiting to be developed further . This is the ideal off the grid property for extended families to each build their own house and live self efficient . The farm is devided by the R325 in respectively 18 ha and 34 ha . The 18 Ha is enclosed with electrical game fence and cleared . Water comes from 2 bore holes and runs of solar as does the dwelling .
The house consists of 2 containers and stretch tents clevery laid out to provide plenty living space including 2 bedrooms , kitchen , bathroom and dining area . There is a large enclosed covered deck with beautifull views over the farm . The house totals about 360 m2 and the out buildings about 287 m2 . A Sable
bull , 1 Impala and 16 Springbuck currently on the farm are included in the sales price .
This is the ideal small off the grid farm without the expenses of a large farm . This price excludes VAT but can be sold as a running concern to a VAT registered buyer .
Click on "video" in the add to see more of this beautifull farm .