This 770 ha farm has 4 camps with water facilities and a grazing capacity of 1 LSU per 8 ha with good fences.There are 2 boreholes equipped with submersible pumps which can also irrigate 100 ha. The water are pumped in to a dam from where it can be used for back up irrigation with 4 pivots as follows:
5 Tower Agrico wiper that irrigates 13 ha.
8 Tower Valley that irrigates 75 ha(20 ha plus 55 ha) new lucerne of 1 year old
5 Tower Agrico that irrigates 30 ha plus 30 ha - new lucerne of 1 year old.
6 Tower Kimberley that irrigates 40 ha plus 40 ha lucerne of 3 year old.
There are also 4 Eskom points with the following transformers:
Also included in the price are
Also included in the price are
7 tooth ripper
52 Agrico Offset
1 x 7 ton Wicon Trailer
2 x new holland cutting
2294 Case Tractor
2 x 7220 Case Tractors
1 x 1000 litre drag poison spray
1 x 1270 Krone press 8 toll
1 x 6000 Welder
2 x 10 toll rake
40 Ha pivot for spare parts. Needs attention
The homesteads exists of 2 Houses and 3 flatlets. The one house has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge. dining room, family room. 3 garages and kitchen with flatlet adjacent to the house. There is also a pre-fabricated house with 3 bedrooms, Family room, lounge, bathroom and 2 garages.
Further improvements includes
1 Enclosed shed of 30 x 12 meter
1 Open shed with extended roof of 40 x 20 meter
1 Workshop
2 Workers' houses
1 Dairy with cattle pens
2 Cement dams and 1 Earth dam.
Hierdie 770 ha plaas het 4 kampe met 1708418 kub meter water regte en 'n weidingskapasiteit van 1 GVE per 8 ha en het goeie heinings. Daar is ook 2 boorgate toegerus met dompelpompe wat 100 ha kan besproei. Die water word ingepomp na 'n dam vanwaar dit gepomp word vir besproeiing met 4 spilpunte soos volg:
5 Toring Agrico spilpunt wat 13 ha besproei.
8 Toring Valley spilpunt wat 75 ha (20 ha plus 55 ha) nuwe lusern van 1 jaar oud besproei
5 Toring Agrico spilpunt wat 30 ha plus 30 ha benuwe lusern van 1 jaar oud besproei.
6 Toring Kimberley spilpunt wat 40 ha plus 40 ha lusern van 3 jaar oud besproei.
Daar is ook 4Eskom-punte met die volgende transformators:
Ook ingesluit in die prys is
7 tand ripper
52 Agrico Offset
1 x 7 ton Wicon Sleepwa
2 x new holland snymasjien
2294 Case Trekker
2 x 7220 Case trekkers
1 x 1000 liter sleep gifsproei
1 x 1270 Krone baler 8 tol
1 x 6000 Sweis masjien
2 x 10 tol hark
40 Ha spilpunt vir onderdele. Benodig aandag
Die huise bestaan uit 2 Huise en 3 woonstelle. Die een huis het 5 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, sitkamer. eetkamer, familie kamer. 3 motorhuise en kombuis met woonstel langs die huis. Daar is ook 'n vooraf vervaardigde huis met 3 slaapkamers, gesinskamer, sitkamer, badkamer en 2 motorhuise.
Verdere verbeterings sluit in
1 Toegeboude stoor van 30 x 12 meter
1 Oop skuur met verlengde dak van 40 x 20 meter
1 werkswinkel
2 Werkershuise
1 Melkstal met beeste
2 Sementdamme en 1 Gronddam.