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Farm for Sale in Bela Bela
Bela Bela, Bela Bela
17 ha
17ha bushveld property between bela-bela and thabazimbi
This 17ha bushveld property is approximately 60km out of Bela-Bela and Thabazimbi. Fenced with 1.8 meter fence. Good source of water with 1 equipped borehole that works with solar. There is also solar for the dwelling, no Eskom electricity. Old Week-end rondawel house with 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen area (Coal stove included). House needs TLC. Also included is a caravan that sleeps 6 people. Everything inside the caravan is included. All under roof, separate store room. There are some fruit trees on the property (plenty of maroela trees) Safe area with no land claims. Cash offers only will be accepted.