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Farm for Sale in Bela Bela
Bela Bela, Bela Bela
160 m² 8 ha
8HA property perfectly located for sale.
This property is definitely one of the few left with a perfect location. Access from the tarred road approximately 35km from Bela-Bela.
This property consists of: 2x 3 bedroom houses 2x flats 1 shop and 1 workshop
In the sale the next farm equipment is included as well: 1 grader 1 tipper 1 Dyna truck 1 bull dozer 1 tractor , and all is still in working condition.
This farm is game fenced with a dam and 2 equipped boreholes (1 solar). This is a "landmark" in Mabula area and is very well known to tourist and locals. Lots of possibilities , guesthouses , a small shopping centre and many more.