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Farm for Sale in Bela Bela
Bela Bela, Bela Bela
8.5 ha
8,5 ha bushveld property
8,5 Ha Bushveld property between Bela-Bela and Thabazimbi, game fenced, 5 bedroom farm house with open plan living areas, with kitchen. Huge stoep under room, also a second 3 bedroom house, bathroom , kitchen and open plan living area. Staff accommodation. 3 Equipped bore holes. Eskom electricity. 2 Iron store rooms, 6 chicken houses can accommodate about 6000 chickens. This barn is in full production. The chicken farming plus clientele will be sold separately, very good income out of the chickens. There are cages for Pigs and Goats as well. The owners farm with cattle, goats and pigs in combination with the chickens. Figures for the chickens farming will only be given by the owner to potential buyers. A safe area with no land claims.