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Picturesque landscape, secure location, well laid out farm
A 254 hectare livestock farm currently supporting 60 beef cows and 30 sheep. There is natural game occuring - Bushbuck, Duikers, Oribi and Warthog. There is 160 hectares of planted pastures - Rhodes grass, Smuts Finger and Panicum. 94 hectares of natural veld.
There are 4 boreholes - stock watering only. 2 boreholes on solar pumps. 1 borehole on generator. 1 currently not in use.
Reservoirs - 6 x 5000L plastic tanks. 3 x 5000L plastic tanks. 1 x cement reservoir. 1 x small dam. Water access to all the camps. Rainfall receives an average 600mm per year.