For the large family who loves nature, this is for you!
4 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home on small holding plus 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom flat.
Lovely kitchen, large family room cum lounge, breakfast room, smaller study and 2 fire places.
A beautifully renovated pool makes this a must-have for a family of 6 or more. Pets are welcome.
Work from home and run your home business on the premises. Ideal for a workshop or storage of large equipment, graphic design studio, or otherwise create a wellness spa/conference facility.
Eskom electricity, municipal water, French drain. Fully fenced, electronic security gate entrance.
Close to pre-school, church, and in the vicinity of Grove Mall. This property may also be up for sale at the right price! Excellent potential for future high density
residential development.
Don’t hesitate phone the agent today for more information and/to book a viewing.