Certainly, one the farms to be on your shortlist when you want all the boxes ticked. Space, game potential, ample housing, hospitality, boutique cellar, water quality, sound and sufficient storage volume, water quality and security, hiking, rock face climbing and other outdoors name it all.
Water storage is done in four earth dams with a combined 7 hectares surface area and 300 million litres of fountain quality fresh water. The huge mountain beurt arrives in a constant flowing pvc pipeline and delivers 170 000 cubic per annum. The main 150 mil litre dam is filled by a small artesian flow at the back and other dams are filled by a further 70 000 cubic per annum shared beurt water canal from the neighbouring farm. A solar installation with 10 000 litres per hour over an 8-hour day
period totally off the grid contributes to two boreholes registered and a total volume of 80 cubic per hour.
Mainly a wine farm the farm also turns to vegetables and other stone fruit on the 45 hectares of arable land ranging from deep sandy to loam and clay formation you can do the picking of what to cultivate. Proceed with the base of a boutique cellar and build your own heritage.
Three stunning houses consist of a four-bedroom main house with open plan lounge a dining with two double doors leading from the office and braai area onto a spacious pool and established garden area. A second three-bedroom house with lounge, dining and koi pond overlook the barn cellar and main house. Hospitality can easily be extended with 4 vacant cottages located two together with exceptional location. A third house is under construction with
The veld area of 240 hectares can include two to three of the earth dams for game. The five title deeds allow for extensive development options and no rezoning needed there. Selling of in an estate with separate farm entrance to a specific lifestyle is completely what the market is looking for. Building cottages in the veld within the game area is an absolute must.
A remainder 800 hectares of majestic mountains is for the hiker and rock face climber to explore. The kloof is the perfect frame for this beautiful farm ... currently the farm is under subdivision approval and 1136 hectares an be potentially purchased at R 16,5 m provided the subdivision is approved by the Minister of Agriculture.. The water rights and agriculture area will still stay intact.
Price Excludes VAT and impliments.