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Farm situated 19 km from Riversdale and 17 from Stillbaai, next to tar road.
2 Title deeds-656ha &331 ha. Total 998ha.
-371 ha arable land (grain and hay production. - Remainder is divided in 33 fenced camps with water. -Four equipped boreholes, 4 cement dams, as wells as plenty plastic tanks - provide enough water, for storage as well. -Farm has a 3-bedroom house as well as a 2-bedroom house (used as an office). Also 3 labourers houses. -Big barns, can be used for a variety of purposes. -Milk shed, cold and slaughter room. -Cattle and sheep facilities. -Lime quarry road, braai wood, Wi Fi tower hire, gives a monthly income. -Eskom +- R3000 per month -VAT is applicable.