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Farm for Sale in Honingneskrans AH
Wonderboom, Honingneskrans AH
96.3 ha
Farm FOR SALE in Honingneskrans AH
Located to the North of Pretoria, arable agricultural land. Access to the R101 as well as the suburban areas of Pretoria and Johannesburg
- 40 ha of lusern (alfalfa) lands under irrigation, 4 Pivot points (21 ha) actively farming - Underground irrigation (21 ha)
- 56 ha land for grazing (350 cattle) - Store structure
- 4 ha Dam with diesel pump for irrigation of lusern (alfalfa) lands - Water rights (Kaalplaasspruit)
GENERATE INCOME FROM LUSERN HARVEST: - Every 3 weeks 10 slices of lusern per year - R2.2 million a year
Equipment excluded from sale, to negotiate after sale.
Area secure with active community policing forum.
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