Selling this magnificent dairy farm as a going concern, including all dairy cattle, machinery and farming equipment. The 1331ha property falls in a summer and winter rain fall area and has a carrying capacity of +/- 2ha / LSU (hectares per Large Stock Unit). The farm consists of 21 camps, 9 boreholes, 5 reservoirs and includes two center pivots and a fully automated dairy with a 12 000L bulk tank. The vegetation consists of a 100ha Kikuyu, 35ha of K11, 75ha of Rhodes grass and 140ha of natural veld land. The dairy parlour features a large well laid out 20-point swing over herring bone, fully automated.
There are two farm houses on the property:
The main house features 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, a farm style kitchen, 2 lounges, a dining room, a porch and a swimming pool.
The second
dwelling features 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and has been renovated.
Multiple outbuildings and sheds are also erected and an office by the dairy.
The price is excluding VAT.
Call Leandi to arrange an appointment to view.